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Everything posted by urdunn69
Well the Ford folks have put a considerable investment into this platform, as it is the foundation for several vehicles moving forward - so they have no choice to not only fix it, but fix it right with those that have had issues. With a number of people out there saying 'bad things' about this new platform, they could have a serious PR nightmare on thier hands. I dont think they will let that happen. It could be such a good product - I still sincerely hope they not only fix it - but look after all owners. What do you think they should do to make good?
I have not been on for a while...but the problems have not gone away. The vehicle is back again at the dealer, and i am now being told that Ford knows there is an issue, however, they do not have a fix. The dealer is telling me that now that i have had the vehicle back 4 times for the same issue in less than one month, they are keeping me in a rental until Ford has a resolution. He went on to tell me that if it is any more than 2 weeks they are looking at taking it back for good and putting me in another new vehicle. No details on that just yet...but it sounds as though Frod has a huge issue on its hands! Anyone else have more info?
Hey folks - thanks for the support. I think that this is exactly what I will do first thing on Monday. I am going to start with the owner of the dealer and see what they do first...but i certainly am going to write to Ford directly. There must be some contact informaiton somewhere on the net that will get my e-mail into the 'right' hands near the top of Ford. Anyone have any 'inside' information?
OH DEAR... I am so upset. All the good news i shared and the good feelings I had about having the car back have been taken away! Less than 24 hours after getting it back for the 3rd time, the various systems begain failing again. Until today...when all went dead once again. I drove it to the dealer and the manager saw that things were not working...I didnt even have heat! I am back into a rental car...and the dealer said they dont know what they are going to do other than to get on the phone with Ford on Monday. This vehicle has been in the dealer more than it has been in my driveway. Even if it is fixed, I am now afraid to take my family very far from the dealer. What do all of you think I should do? I am so disappointed. Should I ask for another truck at this point? Help!
GOT THE RIG BACK! Picked it up yesterday. They replaced the Sync module. I have already noticed a dramatic difference in the response time from when you touch the screen until you get a reaction! Dramatic improovement! The entier system is faster. Drove it all day today and everything works... BUT I still have a couple issues i think. The phone screen on the dash often doesnt update...nor does the i pod music selection on either screen. it will one one start, but the next start up it may not. Not sure about this one. I will try a few more things and see how it goes! But so far much better - just not perfect yet.
AWD. I am sure after I get a few thousand KM on it, I will start to see a true picture. My father and brother both had Ford Edge's as well (both AWD), now Dad is in the Lincoln version - so we have lots to compare! But, mine is the first 2011, and Ford is claiming significant improvements - so i cant wait to see.
So far, i agree with you - I have been hearing much more positive than negative - so that certainly is encouragement! I am looking forward to getting an update from the dealer on Monday. Cant wait to get out of this rental Doge Ram pick-up - certainly not what I want to be driving! I will keep everyone up to date.
It was the first day in the new car that we left for Chicago...so given that it was new, i consider the 9.8L/100km that was showing on the screen as average quite resonable. That was all highway driving though...but still happy. Curious what 'real world' numbers will look like when i get the car back from the dealer and get a chance to put some normal milage on it.
I hope all is well for you too! I came out of a 2008 Ford Sport Trac Adreneline and it was trouble free for the eintire time I had it. The previous one was a 2007 Ford Sport Trac Limited - and other than one defect, it was also trouble free. So I have had good luck, but this time - i dont know. I am very worried that I made a wrong choice.
Picked up my new 2011 Edge Limited the night before driving from the Toronto area to Chicago with my three kids and full of luggage. Despite only having 30km on the rig, i was really impressed with the fuel consumption! Yes i babied my baby, but still set the cruise at 120km on the highway in Ontario and about 80MPH in the US. I know it will get better as it breaks in. What kind of miliage are you folks seeing after you get some KM's on your Edge?
I too was all over the Edge Sport...wanted the wheels, the engine, the taps, oh wait...no HID, No home link, no trailer tow package, etc. etc.??? On top of this, the performance numbers are DOWN on Sport vs. Limited? Really? After looking into this i can now understand why...but still. And get this...i am paying how much more?? Didnt wash with me. I chose the Limited (yes smaller engine i know), got the sport rims seperate, so i got part of the 'look'...and i still have money in my pocket and all the features i wanted. Personal choice i know...and yes...could have gone to Lincoln - but not my style at my age. Not quite ready for that yet. I feel your pain...hope your conversation with dealer goes well. That said...picked mine up last week...but it has been in the shop ever since - details in the Welcome forum. Not sure what to do
Hello everyone - Just signed up! I am the recent purchaser of a 2011 Ford Edge Limited. Picked it up last Thursday after waiting for a custom order from the factory. Drove it less than one hour and started having problems. The vehicle was returned on Tuesday to the dealer (after the long Thanksgiving weekend here in Canada) and they have had it ever since! The screeens freeze up - and then i have no controls whatsoever - even the radio and HVAC controls! Sometimes if you shut it down and re-start, somethings will come back - other times it will not. Some times i have voice control...sometimes not. the dealer called me and said 'its ready' - i went and picked it up. Drove it literally less than 15' and the thing when out again. As of tonight, i am still in a rental car (a Dodge Ram no less ???), and they say they are not getting any results from the 'help line', so they are going forward with ordering a new Sync module to try. What do you think? anyone have any experience yet with this issue or suggestions?