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Everything posted by SonarTech

  1. Why didn't Ford "engineers" design the 12V PowerPoints (cigarette lighter sockets) to automatically shut off after x minutes when the car is shut off? What possible good can come from leaving these hot 100% of the time so you can drain your battery dead (either intentionally or unintentionally)? Since I can't give Ford Engineers enough credit to actually make a voltage sensing circuit that would shut-off the PowerPoints when the battery voltage started to get too low to start the car, I have to ask this question. Why aren't the PowerPoinits relayed and programmed to shut-off after 10 or 15 minutes following ignition OFF? First, I know there's lots of people out there that will say "Why don't you just unplug whatever you plugged in each time you get out of the car" (my favorite reply) or "It'll never use enough battery power to run your battery down anyway, so why worry about it". If you're the first class of people, my response is "because I paid $45,000 for conveniences which include not having to take the time to unplug my accessories". If you're the second class of people, my response to you is "You're wrong. It will and it does, and I've seen it happen over a 1 week vacation." Thanks, SonarTech
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