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About oakville_edge

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  1. Hi I just tried this reboot, and it used to work generations ago. However on 3.51 it doesn't appear to work. Any ideas?
  2. Well Ford customer service was useless. As they say in latin, Cavet Emptor (Buyer Beware). They said the dealer inspected the vehicle and determined that the cause was over-torquing. They managed to determine this without removing the wheel, or the stud. Amazing. Ford customer service gave me the option of going to another dealer, however my vehicle only has 15 miles of warranty left. They told me I'd have to tow my vehicle if I wanted it covered under warranty. When the call degraded to this level of non-sense I asked when My Ford Touch would finally work, and I got the usual round of apologies and "we're working on it". Anyways, after decades of owning Japanese imports and coming back to my first domestic car. I see that was a mistake. The service is garbage, and the quality has been sub-par. 2.5 years later and its become crystal clear that putting my trust into Ford was a lapse of judgement. I'm already booked an appointment with a local garage I've dealt with in the past, they stated it's probably just the stud and they'd already done a few 2011's. $ 50. If the hub requires replacement, it would be $ 300 all-in. Although in Ford's defense, gauging at the dealer isn't an exclusive phenomena; but perhaps in a situation like this you can cut the margin on the job from 5000% to maybe 50%.
  3. I'm certain I can find someone to complete the repair for a fraction of what Ford charges. The problem here is I shouldn't have to pay a penny. What bothers me about all of this is that the Ford dealership is operating under the assumption that I'm some kind of terrific idiot. I don't know how to replace a tire. The process I followed is very straight forward: 1) Slightly Loosen Lug Nuts with torque wrench. Just enough to make sure they're not seized. 2) Jack the truck. 3) Loosen and remove the lug nuts 4) Remove and replace tire 5) Hand tighten lug nut until it can not be tightened until they're snug. 6) Lower the car so its on the ground by still supported by the jack. 7) Using my torque wrench (and 19mm socket) set to 100lb/ft, tighten bolt until a bit of resistance is felt - then move onto the lug nut directly across and repeat. 8) Continue tightening until the clutch on the torque wrench starts slipping, indicating that it's hit the appropriate torque level. I've done it so many times on so many cars that I can almost feel by hand that point it will hit that. Always moving cross lug nut. 9) Remove jack, and verify torque on each lug nut - cross tightening if necessary. Is there something special about an Edge that I'm missing? I've done this on the following vehicles (with different levels of torque) and never ran into a problem: I've done this on numerous makes and models of vehicles ever season. I do my wife's, sister-n-laws, dads, brothers, and my own vehicle ever season for the last 20 years. I've never had a problem following this process, except once on my dads 1994 Honda Accord which I had to use some penetrating lubricant to unseize one of the lug nuts that had rusted in its latter years.
  4. I just found out that the HUB/Studs being used on my 2011 Edge was actually completely changed on Job2. Mine was produced on Job1, this makes me wonder why they switched out the part. Was there a quality issue identified, and if so why aren't they making it right?
  5. RIM's are correct, and the Lug nuts where original. I had to replace three of them, all provided by the Ford dealer. I did notice a large amount of rust on the studs.
  6. Hi everyone, Wondering if anyone else has come across bad studs on their Edge? I'm a winter user, and change the tires out myself. I've done this for decades, and never had any issues until my 2011 Edge. I use a proper click type torque wrench set to 100ft/lbs of torque. I carefully cross tighten. Yesterday, yet again I had a lug nut just keep turning and not come off. I've had issues with the Studs stripping before, and they had to be replaced. This time I took it to the dealer and they said the stud was actually turning instead of the lug nut. That I'd have to pay $ 200 if the hub was okay, but if the hub was damaged my bill would be over $ 600! This thing is still under warranty, I don't understand why I would be paying anything. I'm trying to understand how or why an actual hub would somehow break, without the lugnut breaking first. What kind of design is this? Is this a case of the same brilliant engineers at Ford that decided to take a decades proven International engine and destroy it by placing an EGR cooler on it, producing more engine heat while simultaneously reducing the size of the radiator to half? Okay sorry for the snotty remark, but this whole situation has me frustrated. I put a call into Ford customer service, lets see if they make this right. I guess my question is, is this situation unique to my Edge or is it more widespread?
  7. I've only had mine since Saturday, about 300KM in total on the new tires. No warning lights, or programming either.

  8. been about 3 weeks with winter tires, rims and new sensors. No programing done and no warning lite...how about you?

  9. Well first snowfall in Oakville (located 20 mins west of Toronto, Ontario). Coincidently I had installed my new Gislaved Nordfrost 5 this past Saturday (including TPMS sensors)... Have to say barely noticed there was anything on the ground. These are excellent tires, I guess a company that has snow 100% of the year should know how to make a an awesome set of snow tires. The only problem with these tires is... Have to take it easy on the braking... The guy behind me usually can't stop so fast...
  10. I'm wondering about this myself. I just picked up some new winter tires with new TPMS sensors... and haven't had the warning go off yet? Perhaps the 2011 Edge has a more sophisticated system that automatically detects the new sensors and just uses them? That'd be sweet!
  11. I have the driver entry package and can't figure out how to use the tool... it seems all the instructions out there relay on using the key in Run/Off mode.... If anyone has seen a link, I'd appreciate it.
  12. Sorry but other than you, I haven't seen a single one stating they have this issue. This is a serious issue, and if there where 600 out there like that - there would be widespread pandemonium. In this country without a heater working, you can not drive the car this time of the year.
  13. This is by far the biggest "EDGE" related forum out there. It gets the majority of the traffic. I have only seen 1 active issue where an Edge is in the shop, and its yours. Anyone who is in her boat, feel free to chime in. So far this "scam" sounds pretty over-inflated. It seems Ford has decided to quiet the concerns about Sync, but personally I have no concern that they will not be addressed in a future update. Anyone who has been using a computer long enough is familiar software can have issues, as its EXTREMELY complicated. Its about striking a balance between cutting edge features and stability. If you chose stability you end up with a Honda... very stable car... very bland car... Its why I chose my Edge over the CRV I was looking at. I prefer bleeding "EDGE" and don't mind the issues that come with it. Now again - Your case is extreme... and i feel for you... I'd be more upset than you with not having my car for so long. But I don't think its fair to make is seem like its some kind of grand conspiracy and no one has a road-worthy Edge. As for "redirected hits" ... that's just Google Ad words in action.
  14. Same reason traffic comes to a standstill when there's a car accident. People like to gaulk.
  15. I think the reason you may not be getting people joining forces is there may not be a lot of people in your boat. The vast majority of owners are annoyed at best by having to reboot, pull fuses, etc... I don't think most people even have to bother with that. Your car has been in the shop for quite a while... that's not right or justified. Ford should do something for you period. But I think there's at best only a 1 or 2 people in your boat as well. I'm looking forward to a patch to deal with my wifes IPhone issues... but other than that I enjoy my car... If it was stolen today, I'd go out and buy the exact same one again and continue to wait for an update. If I was you - I'd be just as upset, probably more. But its going to be difficult to get the public support you're looking for, as your issue seems to be extreme and somewhat isolated.
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