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Everything posted by JOEHIO

  1. .....................................................and where can we buy this great product ?
  2. Welcome aboard, and the best with your Edge. What color, options do you have ?
  3. I would tell the dealer that you need a couple of the rubber do-hickies fro the rear license plate. If he doesn't understand you, tell him it's those thing-of-a-majigs !
  4. Both vehiclesa are nice looking, the Edge will probably more useful, especially if you are a family man. Enjoy the Edge.
  5. Try checking out tire rack, they have an assortment of wheels.

    2012 MKX

    Oh heck, knock your socks off, and o for a new car if you can afford it. Your parents pick is what I;m actually considering for myb 1st choice, possibly Ingot silver as a second choice. Hopefully, all will be fine with MY Lincoln Touch, no gliches. Cool to see the pic of the mirror turn signals. Joe
  7. Differnt strokes for different folks. To each his own, I prefer shiny, some like it dull.

    2012 MKX

    Sweet looking, really like the white, what colour is the interior. and FWD or AWD ? Give your folks Hand, help them out with My Lincoln Touch. Can;t be that hard to get use to. Get a good coat of wax, or some kind of sealant on it before the weather for winter sets in. There are a number of them out there, and posted in this forum. Keep us posted on how they are liking it. Joe
  9. I've posted elsewhere on this in the forum, but I went with a extended warranty on my '06 Explorer, and it paid for itself, plus about $1,500 in my pocket (unfortunately, has some major problems the past year). Went with the 7/100 Premium Care on my wife's MKS. If you plan to keep it, repairs can get might expensive down the road.
  10. I don't think that anyone is putting down the Brits, or anyone else, just that this forum is accessable by everyone, and not intended to have foul language in it.
  11. Sorry to hear about the accident, but thank god no one was hurt. If your dealership has their own body shop, I would suggest taking it there. Last summer, some ding-bat lady cut across 2 lanes of traffic to get into a shopping mall (must have been a great sale), and my wife hit her. Our MKS sustained almost 8K in damages, but our dealerships body shop did a excellent job with the repairs and paint match. So, if your dealer has their own shop, I would suggest going there, unless you already have a favorite place. Remember, if any parts have to be replaced, make sure it's using genuine Ford parts. Best of luck. Joe
  12. Does anyone know if the Ecoboost will be available in the MKX ?
  13. :happy feet: SWEET, how about some pics of it. The best of luck with it.
  14. Looks like a winer to me. No winshield mount, and looks secure.
  15. Definately avoid car washes with brushed, or high pressured ones. If you don't want to do it youself, try and find a place that does hand washes, using mitts, and not brushes. They might cost a few bucksm more, but well worth it, and sually do a much better job.
  16. Congrats, and glad that you held you ground. Enjoy your new ridde, and post some pics when you get a chance. Joe
  17. Thanks for the fix, we don't need foul language on this forum. I'm not a "old geezer" either. Maybe in his mind, what he had was acceptable, but not here.
  18. Definately go for the factory nav, well worth it. At the cost from factory,not a bad deal.
  19. If you originated this topic, and the subject heading is from YOU including the "C" work you definately owe all of us an apology, especially the ladies, for using this work. What kind of A__hole are you???
  20. People that think that they are better than me, yet they don't even know who the hell I am. Those that think they ae "better" because they drive a Lexus, BMW, etc, and the wife and I have a Lincoln and Explorer - TFB ! Those that always "ASK", BUT never "GIVE". People that discuss religion and politics ( keep this to yourself). Women that ALWAYS leave "the seat" down.
  21. .....................................So is the color Agate a darker color ?
  22. Nice job, John. Looks real sweet. Thanks for posting pics. Joe
  23. True, it is plastic, .....................................but, I have the same thing on my '06 Explorer, and they still looki like brand new.
  24. Just get it in writing, and signed by the owner of the dealership, that your warranty will not be voided. I have no problems with our dealership (Maplecrest in Union, NJ) but my sister in law got screwed BIG TIME at the dealership where she bought her Five Hundred from, regarding her extended warranty.
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