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Everything posted by JOEHIO


    MPG Question

    Jeeeze, if everyone is really interested in maximum mpg's, just slow down a little bit ! Running 75-80 miles per hour and 90 for passing is a bit much in my opinion, but that's me. If I keep it at 65 or less, my mileage is 25+. One time I did run 70-75, and noticed a BIG drop in my mileage. Yeah, you might get somewhere a little faster at 80 verses 65, but safety is more important im my books. Back a few months ago, some nut was speeding WAY beyond the posted limit, ran a redlight and hit my cousin's car. She also had her daughter with her, and today, she and her daughter are both dead ! So, does speeding really pay off ? Better watch out, there is at least 1 cop on the forum.
  2. Had this same problem with my wife's '09 MKS when it was a year old, and yes, there was a TSB out on it. I don't remember exactly what it was, but they had to replace a bunch of sensors in the tranny. After this was done, it's been trouble free, ever since.
  3. Don't know whqt it is for, but I would get back to the dealer with this !
  4. Wish you luck, Andy. Keep us posted on the outcome.
  5. I would go back to your dealership, and ask them if they would glue it back on. This shouldn't happen on a vehicle that new, and they better not charge you for this. I guess that your other alternative, is to go to a body shop, see what the cost would be to correct the problem.
  6. Andy, never thought about using the gas pressure washer - good suggestion. I guess luke warm water wouldn't hurt it. What I do in the winter, when there is a lot of crud on the car, is first go to the local coin operated pressure wash, use water only (rinse cycle) to get off the heavy accumulation of salt. Then I bring it home, put it in the garage, turn on the heat so I don't freeze my butt off, and wash with 2-3 buckets of luke warm water & dry. Then I follow up with detailing spray. Works for me ! Joe
  7. Well said, Richy. Steam should do the trick, have to use WHITE terry towels. If not successful, then try other fabric cleaners, followed by steam, or at least a clear water wipedown, to remove any residue from the cleaners. Let dry completely, then vacuum. Afterwards, a spray fabric protectant might help, too.
  8. Will be interesting to hear what happened.
  9. I guess I'm one of the more fortunate ones, had the 3.5 update installed by the dealer 3 or 4 weeks ago. All has been fine, everything working smoothly, and no problem with the phones connecting (iphone4).
  10. Yup, keep 'em waxed and well protected ! A year old car without wax, will look no where as good as a wzxed one. Gives a lot more protection.
  11. So sad with the killings at the school in Connecticut, don't know what to say. Just pray for all the familes that have lost a child or loved one. May they rest in peace.
  12. Sean I don't know how much you are into cars, but if you are, ask Santa to get you a D.A. Orbital polisher. Porter Cable has a nice one, available at AUTOGEEK or Griots garage also has one that's nice too. If you are near a BJ's, they run sales on the Griots. One thing with the Collinite, instructions say to apply to a warm surface. Don't know where you are in N.Y., but winter is here, so it's kind of on the cool side. I have a propane heater for the garage, so I have it nice and warm. It can be 23 outside, and it's 73 in the garage, working with a T-shirt on. Gotta luv it !
  13. Hey Sean, Watched the video, looks like this is something tha has to be applied every 6 month, so mark it on your calender. Most protectants give 3-4 months good protection, some a bit more. There are some products that can give you 2 years protection, but you have to be careful with applicaion. Is this 'autobutler" something the dealer "threw in" the deal, or an optional package you paid for. Well, at least you're good for the next 6 months !
  14. I have had very few problems.glitches with my MKX. Had a blank scxreen once, not long after I got the car. Pulled the battery cable, reconnected, and that solved the problem. I have not had any phone problems, from our old LG's to the iphones we now have. No problems with voice commands, one time I said "call Karitski", came back and said to pick line 1 or 2: Line 1 - Karitski Line 2 - Kaminski I said "line 1", and it made the call. (Those darn Polish names sound too much alike) Am now running version 3.5, and all is well, and never a problems with the microphone. Sorry for those of you that are having numerous problems, hopefully they can get resolved. Joe
  15. JOEHIO

    Dual Sports

    How cool is that ! Both sharp looking !
  16. MAybe I'll get a bottle, try it on my cousins Lexus. If it works, I'll let you know. Anytime you want to come ice skating, shoot on down. Bring your wife and kids, we can start a bon-fire, roast hot dogs and marsh mallows, and have the fire dept here, and the police up my butt. Nah, cops in town like me, maybe because a buddy was on the force !
  17. So far, no problems with the Pirelli's on my MKX, and it is 13 months old, with approx 10,000 miles.
  18. If your seat doesn't make a popping sound when elevated. it might be the wiring harness under the seat hitting something like a frame underneath. When seat is raised, the harness is stretched a bit, less chance to hit something. As Edgieguy said, once seat heaters have seats "toasty", no popping sound, so it might be a heat related issue, i.e., softening the harness? Just a guess, might be the problem. Just like humans, cars, as they get older, start making more strange sounds and groans ( ha-ha). :hysterical2:
  19. Andy, I've got a 2 car garage with propane heat, any time you want to do the Sport or wife's Ex, give a yell, come on over. My work schedule is very flexible, so it can even be weekdays. You know where I work, they aren't going anywhere.
  20. I've always been a bit leary on using a spray wash, but with real cold winters, I'll give this a try. If cars are extremely dirty, especially after a snow fall, there is a local place that does a complete hand wash (no brushes, just a bunch of guys with mitts) for around $20. Too many times, I've tried to wash the cars when it's really cold out, and I've turned our driveway into a skating rink ! Wife really gets mad at me when I do this. :heartbreaker:
  21. First of all, why not insist that the dealer give you a second one, it's like buying the car and getting only 3 seat belts ! Ask him if you only get 1 fob if you buy a new car. If they won't give you one, check online for one, I'm sure that you can find a new one.
  22. I think that the '69 Mach's were my favorite, AWESOME !
  23. Hey Sean, Welcome to the forum, and congrat's on your new Edge. Ruby Red looks awesome, you don't see that many Edges in that color. Do yourself a favor, and before the paint gets "dirty:, get a coat of Collinite 845 wax on it. :hyper:
  24. You did do the right thing....................CONGRADULATIONS, and enjoy !
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